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The Oath and what it's like to work in the veterinary business....

August 7, 2013


The Ethics Behind the Veterinary Technician Oath

Veterinary Technology is a noble profession. It not only entails a lengthy and arduous education, but also examinations for credentialing and licensure. Veterinary technology is a profession that involves confidentiality, full trust and cooperation between the veterinary technicians and the veterinary doctor and patient. In order to gain the trust of the public, veterinary technicians need not only undergo a specialized education. Vet techs also need to adhere to strict regulations, which will guide them professionally and guard their conduct. Because of this, an ethical code was formulated, and up to present, is recognized and followed by veterinary technicians.

A code of ethics, also known as professional code of conduct, are set of principles adopted by an institution or profession and often focuses on societal issues such as morality, privacy, and mission, among others. These set of codes are expected to be adhered to by a professional to help him act ethically when faced with difficult decision-making processes. This promotes professional responsibility and provides a clear account on what is correct and just, and what is wrong, depending on the circumstances. It also promotes the welfare of the professionals and respect to...

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