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Dental Month should be EVERY MONTH

March 6, 2013



To the Teeth:  Arm your Pet Against Dental Disease
by Natasha Ashton, Co-Found and Chief Marketing Officer, Petplan
Posted: 03/04/2013 3:21 pm

February was Pet Dental Health Month. Sound familiar? By now, you've probably gotten a coupon from your vet offering a discounted dental cleaning, or an email from your favorite pet supplier spotlighting sales on everything from pet toothpaste to specially-formulated dental chews.

If you've relegated these notices to the trash, you're probably not alone. Despite the desire to give our pets the very best, dental hygiene is one of pet parents' most frequently forgotten responsibilities. Perhaps it is because dental care hasn't traditionally been part of our conversations about pet health (I know I grew up without a thought to brushing the family dog's teeth), but what we now know about the health implications of poor oral hygiene is a reality we can no longer ignore.

According to the American Animal Hospital Association, two-thirds of pet guardians do not provide the regular dental care recommended by veterinarians (and only one percent of us are actually brushing our pets' teeth). As a result, a staggering 85 percent of dogs and cats older than three...

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