Dr. Fry's Pets....

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Meet the Zoo.....

Here are My Furkids and some not so furry Laughing

Veni, my newest addition, plays PEEK-A-BOO

Scrungy Mungy - Mommy's Pretty Princess Girl and an Old Lady (8/23/94-8/19/13)

Cin Cin (RIP) and Pretty Peanut Girl

Scrungy and her little man Tawny

My Little Devil, Oliver

Super Cat....Here I Come to Save the Day

Pretty Scrungy

Cinny Minny -- Beautiful Ocicat (2/98-3/12)

Cin Cin and Oliver


Leo, My LionHead Rabbit

I'm helping Mommy with the Lights!!

The Turtle Gang...Boxie, Irie, Paddy, Stella, Stanely, Winston (RIP 12/17/09) , Five and Nine (RIP)

Stanley, The Red Foot Tortoise

Boxie meets his new 3-toed friend

STELLA, the Red-Footed Tortoise

My Niece, Kallie Mae

My Nephew, SIR LOUIS


Peanut and Scrungy

Franny, The Hospital Mascot

Peanut and Cin Cin

I love my Kitty Condo

Oliver Santa Paws.....

My fur-siblings, Tony and Abby watching TV

Scrungy kissing her sister Victoria who is no longer with us (8/23/94-2/4/05)

The Trio...

In Memory of Sir Pippen, my first nephew

Oliver in his fishy hat

Peanut Girl

Lucas & Topsie...My new babies :-)


Choco in his Thundershirt